A brief overview of the main color models with interactive visualization.
from color_model_plot import *
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from _utils import *
img_in = Image.open('../_data/babuino.png')
img_in = img_in.resize((128, 128), Image.ANTIALIAS)
img_in = np.asarray(img_in)/255
R G B min: 0.0706 0.0431 0.0039 1st Quar: 0.3882 0.3804 0.2824 median: 0.5137 0.5059 0.3961 mean: 0.5391 0.5056 0.4438 3rd Quar: 0.6588 0.6314 0.5608 max: 0.9961 0.8392 1.0000 sigma: 0.2009 0.1595 0.2215
histogram(img_in, interval=[0, 1])
Color model based on the cartesian coordinates, where each primary color is represented by an axis.
N1, N2, C = img_in.shape
RGB = img_in.reshape(-1, C)
# Color model
m = np.array([
[0.490, 0.310, 0.200],
[0.177, 0.813, 0.010],
[0.000, 0.010, 0.990]
XYZ = np.dot(m, RGB.T).T
plotXYZ(XYZ, RGB, m)
# Color model
m = np.array([
[0.299, 0.587, 0.114],
[0.596, -0.275, -0.321],
[0.212, -0.523, 0.311]
YIQ = np.dot(m, RGB.T).T
plotXYZ(YIQ, RGB, m)
# Color model
m = np.array([
[0.299, 0.587, 0.114],
[-0.147, -0.289, 0.436],
[0.615, -0.515, -0.100]
YUV = np.dot(m, RGB.T).T
plotXYZ(YUV, RGB, m)
# Color model
m = np.array([
[ 0.299, 0.587, 0.114],
[-0.169, -0.331, 0.500],
[ 0.500, -0.419, -0.081]
YCbCr = np.dot(m, RGB.T).T
plotXYZ(YCbCr, RGB, m)
# Color model
R, G, B = RGB.T
m, M = np.min(RGB, axis=1), np.max(RGB, axis=1)
H = np.zeros(R.size)
H = np.where(M == R, 60*(G - B)/(M - m) , H)
H = np.where(M == G, 60*(B - R)/(M - m) + 120, H)
H = np.where(M == B, 60*(R - G)/(M - m) + 240, H)
S = np.zeros(G.size)
S = np.where(M != 0, (M - m)/M, S)
HSV = np.zeros(RGB.shape)
HSV[:, 0] = H
HSV[:, 1] = S
HSV[:, 2] = M
# Color model
R, G, B = RGB.T
m, M = np.min(RGB, axis=1), np.max(RGB, axis=1)
H = np.zeros(R.size)
H = np.where(M == R, 60*(G - B)/(M - m) , H)
H = np.where(M == G, 60*(B - R)/(M - m) + 120, H)
H = np.where(M == B, 60*(R - G)/(M - m) + 240, H)
L = (M + m)/2
S = np.zeros(G.size)
S = np.where(L <= 0.5, (M - m)/(M + m), S)
S = np.where(L > 0.5, (M - m)/(2 - (M + m)), S)
HSL = np.zeros(RGB.shape)
HSL[:, 0] = H
HSL[:, 1] = S
HSL[:, 2] = L